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Racial Harmony

Shahida Johan has created an album
8 Jul 2016, 05:11pm
What a great party! It was wonderful to see the children come dressed in traditional malay and party clothes. It was such a colourful day! The children had a blast celebrating Racial Harmony and Hari Raya. As Singapore is a multi-racial country, they learnt about the importance of respecting each other's differences and living in harmony. They had fun learning to say "hello" in the different languages spoken in Singapore and singing as well as dancing to the song "The More We Get Together" in English and Mandarin. 

The children also learnt the significance of Hari Raya to the muslim community in Singapore. The learnt a few simple traditional malay dance steps called "Asli" and "Inang" and how to "salam", which is to shake hands with friends when meeting them during this special occasion. I'm sure with all the information shared, the children had a fruitful learning experience on our dual celebration day!

