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Around The World

Shahida Johan has created an album
29 Nov 2016, 04:57pm
Last week, the children were introduced to the five oceans of the world. They learnt their names and interesting facts about the different oceans. Do you know that the "Titanic" sank in the Atlantic Ocean? Have fun singing the song at home!

Art work p2

All About Art! (Part 1)

Shahida Johan has created an album
29 Nov 2016, 05:07pm
Week 11 was one busy week! The focus for English week is "Art". 

The children learnt about famous artists and their work. Some of the artists include Piet Mondrian, Vincent Van Gogh, Jackson Pollock and Pablo Picasso. The children read about Pablo Picasso and admired his courage in changing the way he made art despite the many challenges he had to go through.

Next, the children watched videos of performing arts and were inspired to put up a performance in class. They chose a song and choreographed the dance moves with their team members. Excellent teamwork! On the last day of the week, they performed for their teachers and friends in class. Great performance, K1s!

Enjoy the photos and the videos (coming soon)!

All About Art! (Part 2)

Shahida Johan has created an album
29 Nov 2016, 05:11pm
"Pointilism" is a technique of painting in which small, distinct dots of color are applied in patterns to form an image. Georges Seurat and Paul Signac developed the technique in 1886.

All about Art P3

Shahida Johan has created an album
29 Nov 2016, 05:17pm
"Shapes" inspired by Wassily Kadinsky



K1 Classmate photo after the ceremony


               Dharma Children K1 class teacher  last day end of the year.



All About Art! (Part 4)

Shahida Johan has created an album
29 Nov 2016, 05:19pm
"Me" inspired by Pablo Picasso and "Splat" inspired by Jackson Pollock



Suppose to go for Santa Run this evening called off due to thunder storm raining weather .This is my Santas T Shirt

Open House

                                                 With Teacher Nanti daughter N2B
 British Council Open House


Rehearsal 2

Preparation for The Graduation Ceremony next week


Aeroplane 2


Shahida Johan has created an album
19 Nov 2016, 01:34pm
The topic for our project week was “Aeroplanes”. First, the children brainstormed what they knew about aeroplanes.

Isabelle – It can fly.
Charlene – The pilot flies the aeroplane. 
Jasmine – The aeroplane uses its wheels to land.
Xin Zhen – When the aeroplane goes up, it does not use its wheels.
Audi – The aeroplane has wings and windows,
Asher – Aeroplanes are big.
Aamnah – The air steward gives food to passengers.
Ali – Aeroplanes take people to other countries.
Sara – There are toilets on aeroplanes.
Christopher – The engines help aeroplanes to fly.
Cathy – The aeroplane has a tail.
Yu Heng – The pilot presses a lot of buttons.
Sofea – Aeroplanes fly over mountains.

The children watched short clips of aeroplanes landing and taking off. They learnt that the aeroplanes land on their rear wheels which then led us to exploring the concept of wheel and axle. I provided them with paper plates, straws and scissors and challenged them to make a wheel and axle with the materials. The children worked together and created their own wheels. They made a hole in the middle of the paper plate and inserted the straw through it to make an axle. They were excited when they were able to rotate the paper plate!

Next, they drew objects with wheels. Some drew different kinds of vehicles, while others drew everyday objects such as strollers and even shopping trolleys.

For numeracy, they created graphs to find out what their friends and teachers like to do in the aeroplanes when they fly. They gather their answers, record their findings and shared it with the class.

The following week, we had a special treat for Show and Tell. Sofea brought a pilot and it was her dad! He talked about his job as a pilot and answered a lot of questions about aeroplanes! Thank you so much, Sofea’s dad!

We continued exploring and reading books and magazines about aeroplanes. The children learnt to make origami aeroplanes and played a fun game of flying the aeroplanes through holes of various sizes on a big paper sheet that was hung on the ceiling. They also tested how far their aeroplanes could fly outside the classroom.

What a great project! Well done, K1s!




Vennus bouncing castle playmate in Our Tampines Hub

Outing 2

Last Outing

Outing with Teacher and school mate at Esplanade the spiky roof that resembles the fruit Durian