这周的活动主题是“交通工具”,今天的教学活动是“停车场”。幼儿和老师一起观看有关“停车场”的图片和认识学习相关的标志。认识数字,学习5以内的数和量的对应。最后我们坐在一起讨论如何运用废旧物品制作出“小汽车”和“停车场”。This week's theme is "Car Transportation." We discussed about car park and watched video on "Car Parking." Our teacher showed us pictures related on cars and Road Signs. We also learnt and count the number 1 to 5.
Finally, we sat together to build a car and a car park using recycling materials.
Finally, we sat together to build a car and a car park using recycling materials.