伴随着孩子们的天真笑脸,我陪伴着N2B的孩子们度过了一个学期,欢迎大家来到N2B第三学期末派对。我们表演唱歌来献给爸爸、妈妈,感谢他们对我们的爱,我们和父母一起玩游戏,感受游戏中带来的乐趣,培养增进彼此之间的感情!我们长大了!It was the end of the term party Again! On this day, parents and children came to school excitedly and everyone was dressed up smartly. We performed some English and Chinese songs specially dedicated to our parents.
After so much of singing along, we played games with our parents. We truly enjoyed and had so much fun and laughter together. In this gathering, it also inculcate togetherness with other races and culture.
After so much of singing along, we played games with our parents. We truly enjoyed and had so much fun and laughter together. In this gathering, it also inculcate togetherness with other races and culture.
