Last week, we focused our learning on conserving electrical energy.
We have already learned that energy comes from various sources: food, natural resources (e.g. coal, fossil fuel, oil) and alternative sources (e.g. solar, wind, hydroelectric). Food is needed for body energy. Natural resources and alternative resources are needed to create electricity in order to power up our homes and schools.
We discussed reasons why we need to conserve electrical energy, the main reason being that our natural resources will be depleted one day and there won’t be enough of them to create electricity. Therefore, we can do our part in conserving energy by turning off the television or fan when they are not in use.
Throughout the week the children were particularly interested in learning more about solar energy, and they embarked on a project called ‘The Solar Oven’. The children wrapped a cardboard box in black paper, cling wrap, and aluminium foil. As it was a rainy day, the children were unable to carry out their experiment. We will carry out the experiment this week instead.
Objective of experiment: To find out if the sun is strong enough to cook an egg in the solar oven.
Prediction: The egg will cook!
We learned that conducting experiments can depend on uncontrollable factors such as the weather.
We have already learned that energy comes from various sources: food, natural resources (e.g. coal, fossil fuel, oil) and alternative sources (e.g. solar, wind, hydroelectric). Food is needed for body energy. Natural resources and alternative resources are needed to create electricity in order to power up our homes and schools.
We discussed reasons why we need to conserve electrical energy, the main reason being that our natural resources will be depleted one day and there won’t be enough of them to create electricity. Therefore, we can do our part in conserving energy by turning off the television or fan when they are not in use.
Throughout the week the children were particularly interested in learning more about solar energy, and they embarked on a project called ‘The Solar Oven’. The children wrapped a cardboard box in black paper, cling wrap, and aluminium foil. As it was a rainy day, the children were unable to carry out their experiment. We will carry out the experiment this week instead.
Objective of experiment: To find out if the sun is strong enough to cook an egg in the solar oven.
Prediction: The egg will cook!
We learned that conducting experiments can depend on uncontrollable factors such as the weather.