In the class, we talked about Singapore National Day. We knew that National Day falls on every 9th of August and this year we are celebrating its 50 years of independence. As merlion is a Singapore mascot, we decided to create a gigantic merlion for class display. We were so fascinated by its shape.
We used coloured papers and cotton balls to create the merlion. Although we had dirty and messy hands, at the end of the day we were very proud of our own work.
On the day of the celebration, in the class, we made a Singapore flag and a merlion's hat. We sang "Majulah Singapura", said the pledge together and watched last year's National Day Parade (2014) on the IWB board. We really had so much fun on the day.

We used coloured papers and cotton balls to create the merlion. Although we had dirty and messy hands, at the end of the day we were very proud of our own work.
On the day of the celebration, in the class, we made a Singapore flag and a merlion's hat. We sang "Majulah Singapura", said the pledge together and watched last year's National Day Parade (2014) on the IWB board. We really had so much fun on the day.
