我们一起学习了关于《三只小猪盖房子》的故事,懂得在遇到困难时要开动小脑筋去解决问题,看!小朋友们齐心协力一起制作了“三间小猪的房子”,然后试着去扮演故事里不同的角色,揣摩“猪大哥”、“猪二哥”、“猪小弟”、“大灰狼”和“猪妈妈”的心理状态。小朋友们棒极了!Our teacher read us a story of "The Three Little Pigs." We then built the 3 houses together. We also understood each of the pigs problems in building the houses and they used thier little brains to solve the problems.
We played a different roles in the story such as the "The First Brother", "The Second Brother", "The Third Brother", " A Wolf" and "The Pig's Mother." We were having lots of fun and a great time role playing!
We played a different roles in the story such as the "The First Brother", "The Second Brother", "The Third Brother", " A Wolf" and "The Pig's Mother." We were having lots of fun and a great time role playing!
