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Yang Liu has created an album
28 Aug 2015, 04:13pm
今天的教学活动是学习关于:“我的宠物”。幼儿学习并了解“小猫”、“小狗”、“小兔子”外形特点的不同,并制作手工作品----《我的宠物》,乐于参与艺术活动,培养幼儿喜爱动物和保护动物的情感。Today's lesson is about "My Pet." Children learnt about the characteristic and the works of a cat, a dog and a Rabbit. Children were able to participate in the activities and it fostered the children to love and protect the animal and their emotions/feelings.


Yang Liu has created an album
28 Aug 2015, 04:31pm
我们一起学习了关于《三只小猪盖房子》的故事,懂得在遇到困难时要开动小脑筋去解决问题,看!小朋友们齐心协力一起制作了“三间小猪的房子”,然后试着去扮演故事里不同的角色,揣摩“猪大哥”、“猪二哥”、“猪小弟”、“大灰狼”和“猪妈妈”的心理状态。小朋友们棒极了!Our teacher read us a story of "The Three Little Pigs." We then built the 3 houses together. We also understood each of the pigs problems in building the houses and they used thier little brains to solve the problems. 
We played a different roles in the story such as the "The First Brother", "The Second Brother", "The Third Brother", " A Wolf" and "The Pig's Mother." We were having lots of fun and a great time role playing!


Blending Sound Game

Nani has created an album
25 Aug 2015, 02:35pm
This week, we played the "Blending Sound Game" (3 letters word) on the Interactive White Board. We took turns to play this game. Everyone tried very hard to sound out each of the letters and blending them together. We were very proud of ourselves as we were able to phonetically read all of the words correctly.

At the Beach

Nani has created an album
25 Aug 2015, 02:37pm
This week's topic is "At the Beach." We talked about the beaches in Singapore, such as the East Coast Beach, Changi Beach, Pasir Ris Beach and West Coast Beach. 

Everyone shared their experience of having a picnic with their families. The activities we discussed were swimming, making sandcastles, picnics, fishing, collecting sea shells and surf boarding. Some of us demonstrated how we swam in the sea, with and without a float. One of our friends shared his experience of seeing a shark whilst swimming in the Australian sea. He was so afraid that he had to run for help. Another friend shared her story about how her mother was bitten by a jellyfish. She comforted her mother, and there were three other kind hearted men who gave them a helping hand. We were told to be more careful and to take extra precautions whilst swimming in the sea, as there might be harmful animals or broken glasses in there. 

Our teacher then read us the stories "Shark", "Mr Bears Picnic" and "Let's Swim." Lastly, we made a paper doll craftwork.


Drangon Role Play

Nani has created an album
21 Aug 2015, 02:06pm
This week, we had a "Dragon" role play. We read a Rhyme "Beware! Beware!" which described a story of a dragon. Whilst saying the rhymes together, each of us showed some feelings of the dragon, such as an angry, shy, funny and sad dragon. After saying the rhymes together, we discussed how we could change the angry dragon to a friendly dragon for its villagers. We brainstormed some ideas such as feeding him with his favourite food like cheese, a cake, and some cookies. We also suggested having a birthday party for him and giving him with lots of presents. We then pretended to have all of the things suggested on the board in our hands and carefully brought them over to the dragon's house. We slowly woke him up and gave him lots of food to eat and made a surprise party for him. The dragon was soon seen happy and later became our good friend and a protector for our village. We were so happy and had a fun time role playing.


Yang Liu has created an album
21 Aug 2015, 04:50pm
这周的活动主题是关于:“动物”。幼儿观看视频以及倾听老师讲述故事〈三只小猪盖房子〉,感受了三只小猪勤劳和勇敢的力量,学会了遇到困难时要动脑筋思考问题,解决问题。This week's theme is about: "Animal." We watched a video clip and listened to our teacher telling a story, "The Three Little Pigs." The story is about how the pigs built their houses by using different types of materials such as bricks, straws and sticks. The pigs were very industrious and brave. They learnt to use their brains to think wisely when they encountered difficulties/problems and how to problem solved.


Yang Liu has created an album
21 Aug 2015, 05:13pm
这周的活动主题是关于:“动物”。我们一起学习了动物----小鸭、小鸡。幼儿和老师一起认识了小鸭小鸡的特点,并学习绘画小鸭小鸡,学习演唱歌曲:〈小鸭小鸡〉,并能大胆地用动作表演歌曲。This week, we studied about ducklings and chicks. We learnt to recognize the characteristics of a duckling and a chick. We drew the body parts of a chick and a duckling on the board. We also sing with actions the song of "Duckling Chick."


"Dressing Up" Role Play

Nani has created an album
20 Aug 2015, 01:17pm
This week, we had a "Dressing Up" role play. We had to read the Rhyme "Dressing Up" which described each of the character's roles. 

Our teacher then showed us all of the props and demonstrated each characters' role. There was a Chef, a Magician, a Clown and a Pirate. We took turns to put on the props. While saying the rhymes together, some of our friends had to do role playing. We were so happy and had a fun time role playing.



Nani has created an album
19 Aug 2015, 12:29pm
This week's theme was Places of Interest in Singapore. We discussed and watched video clips about Changi Airport, Singapore Zoo, Museum and Sentosa. The facilities that were mentioned, such as the fast food restaurants, boutiques, Information Counter, Transit Area, and souvenior shops.

After watching the video clips, our teacher read us a story entitled "Harry and the Dinosaurs at the Museum" and "Dear Zoo". We enjoyed listening to the stories very much. We then took a piece of paper and drew an animal from the characters of "Dear Zoo."

Fort Canning

This Jie Jie is having her wedding album shot +Hotel Fort Canning Park. I like to have a photo with her in wearing the white gown





 LEGOLAND exhibition @ National Library By My Little Brick Shop



/Animal's Food

Yang Liu has created an album
14 Aug 2015, 04:10pm
这周活动主题学习了关于:动物。我们今天一起学习了动物们爱吃的食物,并学会了“小兔子爱吃胡萝卜,小狗爱吃骨头…小朋友们进行想象并创作作品:《我最喜欢的动物》。This week the theme is Animals and its food.We discussed about the animals such as rabbit eats carrot, dog bites bone, chicken eats worm and cat eats fish. We then drew and colour our favourite animal on a paper.



Nani has created an album
13 Aug 2015, 02:12pm
This week, we revised all of the numbers that we have learnt (1 to 10). Firstly, we played the "Numbers" game on the board. Thereafter, we learnt to spell out the numbers and with lots of practice, we then played the "Matching Numbers To Word" game. 

We also had some fun playing "Snake And Ladders" on the board. We used a digital dice to roll a number. Once the number appeared on the board, we had to move the counters accordingly and continuously played until it reached 20. We took turns in playing this game.

Lastly, we revised all the basic shapes that we had learnt before, such as triangles, rectangles, squares and circles. Everyone was able to recognise all the shapes while playing the "Shapes Game." 



Nani has created an album
11 Aug 2015, 02:03pm
This week the topic we learnt is Transportation (Bus). In the class, we talked about public transportation (SBS Bus). Each of us shared our experiences of travelling on the bus. We knew that we needed to pay a bus fare upon travelling. We talked about the child and adult concession cards too. We also talked about the interior of the bus, such as the driver, passengers seat, handling poles, upper and lower deck, a bell, the tyres and the shapes and colours of the bus. We then learnt to write the word "Bus" on the board. 

After the discussion, we had role play. Some of us acted as passengers and drivers. We pretended to take a ride around Singapore. Each of us had a concession card that needed to be scanned upon boarding the bus. We really had a good time and experience while travelling. Lastly, we sang "The Wheels on the Bus" song together and we drew a bus on a piece of drawing paper.


Cable car

Free cable car ride @ Sentosa in the long weekend celebration of SG 50.


National Day

Nani has created an album
6 Aug 2015, 03:55pm
In the class, we talked about Singapore National Day. We knew that National Day falls on every 9th of August and this year we are celebrating its 50 years of independence. As merlion is a Singapore mascot, we decided to create a gigantic merlion for class display. We were so fascinated by its shape. 

We used coloured papers and cotton balls to create the merlion. Although we had dirty and messy hands, at the end of the day we were very proud of our own work.

On the day of the celebration, in the class, we made a Singapore flag and a merlion's hat. We sang "Majulah Singapura", said the pledge together and watched last year's National Day Parade (2014) on the IWB board. We really had so much fun on the day.

Craftwork "The Talking Elephant"

Yang Liu has created an album
6 Aug 2015, 05:21pm
这周的活动主题关于:《动物》。幼儿认识并学习了不同的动物名称,学习如何运用剪刀剪下“大象”,并给大象制作“鼻子”,懂得使用剪刀时要注意安全,学习保护自己。This week topic is on "Animals." Children learnt all the different types of animals and their names. They made "An Elephant" craftwork. They used scissors to cut out the elephant's shape and its nose. They were able to handle the scissors with care and safety.


Yang Liu has created an album
6 Aug 2015, 05:26pm
这周的活动主题关于:《动物》。我们认识了不同的动物以及它们的名称,并能学习模仿动物的动作,愿意参加各种体育游戏,学习儿歌:《我爱运动》。This week, we learnt to recognize the different animals and their names. We imitated each animal's movements such as running, hopping, jumping and swimming. All the movements were related to Sports games. We tried all the various sports games and learnt the songs, "I Like Sports."

I like Sports

Yang Liu has created an album
6 Aug 2015, 05:26pm
这周的活动主题关于:《动物》。我们认识了不同的动物以及它们的名称,并能学习模仿动物的动作,愿意参加各种体育游戏,学习儿歌:《我爱运动》。This week, we learnt to recognize the different animals and their names. We imitated each animal's movements such as running, hopping, jumping and swimming. All the movements were related to Sports games. We tried all the various sports games and learnt the songs, "I Like Sports."