What have the children been up to in class for the past 2 weeks? The children started a mini project and had been decorating the role play corner in the class.
Incorporating the inquiry based and hi-scope approach into this mini project, we started by discussing what we wanted to do for our role play corner. The children decided on having a barbecue corner in the class. We brainstormed on what was needed for the barbecue corner and we posed questions such as, ‘What kind of food is needed for our barbecue corner?’ and ‘How are we going to create a barbecue pit?’ Then, we worked cooperatively with one another creating the barbecue pit and added charcoal and fire to it, moulded and painted clay to make a variety of food items, as well as, decorated the role play corner with signs and balloons.
After the corner was beautifully done up, the children were spontaneous in starting the barbecue party by starting up the fire, serving food, pouring drinks and taking turns to barbecue.
It was splendid to see that the process not only displayed children’s prior knowledge to barbecuing but it also added on new knowledge through interaction with one another.

Incorporating the inquiry based and hi-scope approach into this mini project, we started by discussing what we wanted to do for our role play corner. The children decided on having a barbecue corner in the class. We brainstormed on what was needed for the barbecue corner and we posed questions such as, ‘What kind of food is needed for our barbecue corner?’ and ‘How are we going to create a barbecue pit?’ Then, we worked cooperatively with one another creating the barbecue pit and added charcoal and fire to it, moulded and painted clay to make a variety of food items, as well as, decorated the role play corner with signs and balloons.
After the corner was beautifully done up, the children were spontaneous in starting the barbecue party by starting up the fire, serving food, pouring drinks and taking turns to barbecue.
It was splendid to see that the process not only displayed children’s prior knowledge to barbecuing but it also added on new knowledge through interaction with one another.
