She will start to develop the skills she needs to eat finger foods. She'll probably start trying to pick up objects with her thumb and forefinger. This is called the pincer grasp.
Will also continue to put everything she can into her mouth. This is another sign that she's ready to try new things to eat.
She may also grab at the spoon you're using to feed her. This can make feeding her a little more tricky. Try giving her a spoon to hold for herself, while you feed her with another.
She'll be starting to mimic chewing patterns now, moving her jaw from side to side. She doesn't have enough teeth to chew yet, but it's important she gets used to chewing and swallowing lumpier foods.
I offer her mashed foods and soft finger foods as well as purées. Finger foods can be sticks of well-cooked carrot, chunks of banana, or unsalted breadsticks, and mini rice cakes. These will help your baby get used to feeding herself.
3 小时前