通过轻松有趣的游戏与故事,我们引领孩子们认识佛教,并教导孩子们如何做个正信的佛教徒。慧严佛学会精心编制了多元的教学活动, 深入浅出又有系统地介绍佛法,开启孩子们的善根之门。您想让孩子们以后过着有意义的人生吗?那就快报名参加儿童 / 少年佛学班吧!
Our Sunday Children Dharma Class and Sunday Youth Dharma Class expose the students to the basic teachings of Buddhism in a fun and holistic approach. With the structured and comprehensive content, the students will gain an insight of the Dharma with a correct view. This is desirable to their personal growth and moral development. We welcome children and youth to enrol!