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Your little one is probably toddling around now, or on the verge of that crucial physical milestone. The next step is independent walking, talking, and curious toddlerhood. You'll love seeing his growing sociability and vocabulary - but prepare yourself, those first temper tantrums go hand-in-hand with his budding independence. 


Terminal 1

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Toddler dressing made simple 

If your baby had his way, he'd run around naked all the time. Indulge him when you can, and when you can't, choose the next best thing: clothes that are soft and easy to wash! 

One Year Old

Posted by PicasaA happy birthday to your baby!
And happy first year parenting to you too! Can you believe a whole year has gone by since you gave birth? A lot has happened, in his life and yours. If only you had a dollar for every dirty diaper, every juice-stained shirt, and every precious baby smile, you'd be able to buy yourself the great big bunch of flowers that every parent deserves! 



Save My World

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my favourite song-- Lyrics: 

Save my World, Save my World
Save my World, Save my World

As far as you can see
On the land and out to sea
There's something very wrong
And it's time to change
We're going to need (we're going to need)
A helping hand (a helping hand)
We need to save this world
We hope that you can understand

Save my World, Save my World (come on and)
Save my World, Save my World (why won't you)

We're going to have to clean
Every hill and every stream
If we don't change our ways
It will be too late
Don't make a mess (don't make a mess)
Don't be selfish (don't be selfish)
We need to save our world
For us, the birds and bees and fish

Save my World, Save my World (will you please)
Save my World, Save my World (you've got to)

Save my World (come on and), Save my World (why won't you)
Save my World (will you please), Save my World (you've got to)

Save my World (come on and), Save my World (why won't you)
Save my World (will you please), Save my World today !





Posted by PicasaI have dinner at 鼎泰丰(Sentosa )guess who feed me?